
Homeswapper scheme

Brunelcare is partnered with HomeSwapper to help you move. Swapping your home is easy, with just six simple steps from online sign up to swap!

The HomeSwapper scheme

It is an online scheme that offers tenants of social homes, sometimes called sheltered housing, the opportunity to quite literally swap your home with another tenant in the UK who is signed up to this mutual home exchange scheme. This service helps make it possible for tenants to live in the right home regardless of their situation.

What does the scheme offer?

Once you have registered online for the scheme, you can browse the HomeSwapper website to pick from 200,000 homes on the tip of Scotland to the Isle of Wight, from Northern Ireland to the North East.

How does the scheme work?

There are six steps tenants need to follow on www.homeswapper.co.uk, from online sign up to swap.

These are the steps:

  1. Join HomeSwapper
    Create a profile for your current home, to register your interest and explain the type of home you are looking for
  2. Browse for a home
    Check out the thousands of homes from across the UK to find your perfect match
  3. Chat
    Talk to other swappers before you commit, using our in-built instant messenger
  4. View each other’s homes
    Arrange to have a look around each other’s homes
  5. Agree
    Once both swappers have agreed, it’s just a quick message to your landlord, and if everyone is happy, you go ahead with the swap
  6. Swap
    Move into your new home.

For further details, please see www.homeswapper.co.uk