

Find out the latest about what's happening at Brunelcare.

A purple and green word cloud with words relating to nursing.

25th Apr 2021

Being inspired - By Teresa Chinn MBE

Teresa Chinn MBE talks about being inspired

A presentation slide containing social media types.

23rd Apr 2021

Tweeting about penguins? By Teresa Chinn MBE

It’s been just over 6 weeks since the Brunelcare Excellence in Nursing Programme started and what a fantastic 6 weeks it has been.

Lewis Dove, who is fundraising for Brunelcare.

7th Apr 2021

Running 10k for Robinson House

On Saturday 10th April, 19 year old Lewis Dove will be running 10km to raise money for our Robinson House care home.

Tenant Mike and volunteer Nicki playing their ukeleles.

1st Apr 2021

Celebrating one year of friends on the phone

This April will mark the one year volunteering anniversary for 19 of our fantastic volunteers at Brunelcare.

A green and purple word cloud of words relating to the Excellence in Nursing programme.

25th Mar 2021

100 words on the Brunelcare Excellence in Nursing programme

We asked the Registered Nurses on our Brunelcare Excellence in Nursing (BEN) programme to write 100 words on how they feel at the start of their year long journey.

A group of Brunelcare colleagues celebrate International Day of Happiness with purple and green balloons.

19th Mar 2021

International Day of Happiness 2021

Saturday 20th March is the International Day of Happiness - a day to spread positivity!

#BristolRemembers graphic with a collage of people from Bristol.

19th Mar 2021

Bristol Remembers

With the COVID-19 pandemic presenting challenges for all of us, We are Bristol have launched 'Bristol Remembers, a series created to remember the important things we have loved and lost.

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