
100 words on the Brunelcare Excellence in Nursing programme

25th Mar 2021 - Written by Katy Westaway

Reading time: 3 minutes

100 words. It doesn’t sound a lot does it ? Yet 100 words can be the start of a huge step, and the right 100 words, that come from the heart, can be incredibly powerful.
When we asked the Registered Nurses on our Brunelcare Excellence in Nursing (BEN) programme to write 100 words on how they feel at the start of their year long journey, we never expected to be quite so overwhelmed at their responses. We were struck by not only how talented and amazing Brunelcare nurses are but also at their thoughtfulness and enthusiasm…all shared in a mere 100 words!

Arelene Magtoto from Glastonbury Care Home used her 100 words to express how hesitant she was to start with:

I feel so blessed to be included in this programme. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Brunelcare and Sandra Payne (Director of Nursing & Care Homes) for the support I have received while I was completing the steps towards achieving my nursing career goals. And now this…I feel privileged to be a part of this project.

When I was first asked if I would like to join, I was quite hesitant as the title of the programme sounds wide and big: “Excellence in Nursing”. I honestly felt scared to say yes, but then I thought the lovely people behind this programme will surely guide and mentor us throughout the year, so here I am. I feel scared but excited at the same time.

At the first virtual meeting I didn’t know what to expect, but as Teresa Chinn (Nursing & Care Homes Support Manager) started to explain things it made me comfortable, plus the group are really friendly. I believe there are a lot of things I will gain from this programme, and I look forward to learning so much from the group and Teresa and Sandra.

Arelene Magtoto

Arlene was not the only Registered Nurse on the programme who was a little nervous about being part of the BEN programme. Megan Stafford from Saffron Gardens Care Home used her 100 words to express how, despite her nervousness, she is excited about the opportunity:

My initial thoughts of the BEN programme, if I’m being completely honest, would have to be overwhelmed. I assumed it would be a lot of additional work and stress. However, as a forward thinking and ambitious nurse, this was a quick turn around. I’m proud to be a nurse – despite the blood, sweat and tears!

I feel as though nurses in the social care setting should be more recognised and the new BEN programme could perhaps be a fantastic opportunity for this. I’m nervous, but also excited to continue with this programme and see what it has to offer, especially if my own thoughts and ideas can contribute to improving the clinical area within Brunelcare.

Arelene Magtoto

It’s fantastic to see that the Registered Nurses on the programme are already seeing the benefits and, like Louise Thompson from Orchard Grove Reablement Centre, already have ideas about their improvement project:

I was pleased to be asked to join this group. I have a couple of ideas already for some clinical improvements I would be keen to lead on, which I hope would be learning for myself and the team and ultimately to raise standards. I will need to discuss this with my manager to ensure she is in agreement. The other opportunity the project offers is to meet up with other nurses from different clinical backgrounds to share knowledge and hopefully be supportive of each other. It would be great to raise the profile of nurses within the organisation and enhance recruitment possibilities.

Louise Thompson Orchard Grove Reablement Centre

Richard Flossman from Deerhurst Care home also shared his thoughts on his improvement project:

When I was first asked by my manager if I wished to be nominated for the programme I was not clear what it was. I was told that it aimed to improve the standing of nurses in social care. Having now had our first meeting, the thing I find most useful about BEN is that I will have the opportunity to discuss topics with colleagues outside of my working area. I am also excited to develop and implement a project knowing that I will be supported by my colleagues.

Richard Flossman

And Nicola Cock from Little Heath Reablement Centre spoke about the importance of improvement in nursing:

I am looking forward to the challenge of the Brunelcare Excellence in Nursing programme. New ideas and improvements are extremely important in nursing. I would like to involve the rest of the team with the initial point of generating an idea. I think the more people’s ideas the better. They have also worked there and other care homes and settings in the reablement and may bring ideas.

I feel that as nurses we are supported by our colleagues and their input is valuable. I am a little wary about social media, due to a lot of bad press. I understand it generates good press but I am not a big social media user.

Nicola Cock

The most wonderful thing about many of the 100 words that the BEN Programme Registered Nurses wrote was being able to understand their hopes at the beginning of this exciting year. Fama Diop from Deerhurst Care home wrote about her hope, which is a hope shared for this programme across the organisation:

Being part of the Excellence in Nursing programme means a lot to me. Working in Deerhurst for only the past two years, I am very touched to be recognised in this way. I always aspire to work hard and to make a difference for the residents in our care.

Being part of the programme is a motivation to work harder and to be able to implement positive change. It is an opportunity to learn and improve to better support the people in our care. I hope we all learn and benefit from each other and from the different meetings and projects. Even if it is one positive change that came about from this programme for the well-being and better care for all the residents in our care, it will be all worth it.

Fama Diop

Rose David also shared her hope for the coming year with one eye on the bigger picture:

I think being a part of the Brunelcare Excellence in Nursing programme makes me want to set positive goals that will make a difference in the lives of our residents. It motivates me to apply best practices that aims at achieving excellence. I have started reflecting on practices that are done well with positive outcomes and how to promote them while looking at areas that need improvements.

I also hope to formulate new ideas with the bigger picture of Brunelcare in mind that will have a positive outcome. I look forward to meeting the BEN team during the meetings and knowing their great thoughts and ideas.

Rose David

100 words can be used to say so much, and Amelia Thornton-Grimes from Glastonbury Care Home’s passion for learning really shone through:

I was very excited to be asked to participate in this nursing programme. It gives me the opportunity to think about which areas need more input. I feel that the staff and residents should benefit from the project as well, so the staff feel that they are making a positive contribution to the home and the residents.

I have a few ideas, but none that are clear at the moment. I like to learn, so the old grey matter will certainly be bump started doing this course. I feel that it is important for us as nurses to be heard and that we have a valid opinion about how we work and what we do, and expressing any difficulties that we may have. I have taught and been a mentor and I really enjoy sharing knowledge and information, supporting the learner and watching them grow and develop in confidence. I think this is a great opportunity for me to develop as a nurse and become a positive influence at Brunelcare.

Amelia Thornton-Grimes

Harvey Judovick from Robinson House Care Home, Helen Orcock from Little Heath Reablement Centre and Marsara Biggs from Saffron Gardens Care Home all expressed their surprise at being nominated to be part of the programme:

I had no idea about the Brunelcare Excellence in Nursing Programme; it is something new. When my manager approached me to take part in this activity I had mixed emotions; anxious and at the same time excited, most probably because I don’t know about it and at the same time I want to know more about it. I think this is a good platform to recognize and empower nurses/nursing in the social care sector as opposed to NHS nurses/nursing often heard on the news. We also have our voice and contribution to the community in general; I think it’s timely to make positive noise through proper use of social media. I am new to the social care sector, I am willing to learn with support, I look forward to becoming confident and able to contribute for a positive change.

Harvey Judovick

To be honest I did not have enough time to think about the programme as my manager only told me two days before the first meeting. The thing that caught my attention was the word ‘excellence’. My first thoughts were that a programme on excellence will involve improving quality of service and guest outcome. That would mean making major changes and decisions. That must be a programme for managers, so why nurses? I have always wanted to improve myself. My thoughts on how the nurse will fit into this encouraged me to take the programme.

Helen Orcock

Firstly I would like to say I am very grateful to be chosen for this course. When I was nominated for the programme I did not know exactly what the course would involve, however I am looking forward to the challenge. I am hoping to make a difference and empower other health professionals to do the same. I am looking forward to sharing ideas with other nurses. This is a great development opportunity

Marsara Biggs

Finally, Jenny Radford from Robinson House Care Home used her 100 words to really hit the nail on the head regarding the BEN Programme:

When my manager informed me that she would like me to partake in BEN I was intrigued. As she explained that she felt I performed well as a nurse and had nominated me, I felt very proud. I can’t deny that the next thing I said was “but I don’t have to write an essay do I?!”. I realise now that BEN is much more than that. I am so passionate about my job, delivering excellent, thoughtful and person-centred care to our residents, that there are almost too many ideas for me to narrow down for my project! Social care nurses are highly skilled and I can’t wait to promote us!!

Jenny Radford

100 words, 100 powerful words, 100 words full of enthusiasm, hope and opportunity. 100 words from the heart at the start of something exciting. 100 words of inspiration. We have really loved reading each Registered Nurse’s 100 words, so much so that we collated them all into a word cloud and it is truly wonderful to see that “Excellent Nurse” is front and centre!Brunelcare excellence in nursing programme word cloud

We can’t wait to hear lots more from our Excellent Nurses as the Brunelcare Excellence in Nursing Programme progresses.