
Celebrating Brew Monday 2022

Monday 17th January 2022 marks Brew Monday, and we’re encouraging people to take part with a cup of tea.

The third January of each year has come to be known as Blue Monday, said to be one of the most difficult days of the year. In recent years, Samaritans has turned the day on its head and renamed it Brew Monday, asking people to relax and connect with loved ones over a cup of tea.

Samaritans research has found that 58% of UK adults felt regularly speaking to friends and family had a positive effect on their mental wellbeing. With the impact of the pandemic causing pressures and feelings of loneliness, it is more important than ever to stay connected.

To commemorate the day, we are encouraging employees across Brunelcare to celebrate in any way possible for them, whether it’s organising a team meeting to catch up with colleagues, or taking a quick break to call a loved one.

At Brunelcare, we have a number of mental health resources available to support our employees. Nine new colleagues received mental health first aid training in November 2021, and we now have over 40 Mental Health First Aiders available to provide support to those who need it.

In 2021, we introduced the ‘Pause, Reflect, Renew’ framework to encourage employees to work in a healthy way. The framework included periods of reflection and learning, social and recreational activities for teams to destress, and encouragement for employees to take their annual leave entitlements. We also offer a Care First employee programme, which provides mental health support through 24-hour telephone access, counselling, and information services.

With the pressures of the pandemic, it is more important than ever to stay in touch with loved ones, and we encourage anyone struggling with their mental health to reach out for support.

To find out more about Brew Monday, and download Samaritans free resources for the day, click here.