
Relative support invite

Dear relative or friend


At Brunelcare we understand how difficult the last 14 months have been, with access to visiting in our care homes so restricted. We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we begin to move forward with less restrictions and open up the homes again.


As the Dementia Care Lead for Brunelcare I realise that, although this time may bring relief and happiness at being able to see your loved one again in a less restrictive environment, visiting may also be upsetting and raise concerns for you due to changes you may see in your loved one.


With this in mind we would like to begin to offer some support to you, initially by way of a virtual meeting. To provide a space where you can voice your concerns, ask questions about dementia and how the restriction of visiting has impacted people living with dementia in our care homes.

The support meeting will not take the place of any direct contact or scheduled relative meetings with the individual home manager regarding specific concerns about the home, but more generally about how you and your loved one have been impacted by enforced separation throughout the pandemic.


There will also be the opportunity to schedule regular meetings, should the group wish, to learn more about dementia, the approach we take, making the most of visits and communication.

This is an invitation to join us for an hour to talk through your concerns and to gauge whether ongoing support and information meetings would be of help to you.


  • Saffron Gardens – June 10th
  • Glastonbury Care Home – June 14th
  • Robinson House – 16th June
  • Little Heath 21st – June


The sessions will run from 6:30pm for roughly an hour.


Please contact the home your relative or friend is living in and they will supply you with further details of how to attend.


I look forward to meeting you virtually.


Best Wishes


Stuart Wright

Dementia Care Lead Brunelcare