
Royal College of Nursing Lead Nurse Visits Little Heath Care Home: A Step Forward in Social Care Innovation

26th Jun 2024 - Written by Brunelcare

Reading time: 3 minutes

On June 10th, Little Heath Care Home had the pleasure of welcoming Sarah, the Lead Nurse for Adult Social Care at the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), as part of a broader initiative aimed at enhancing practice improvements in the social care sector.

Accompanied by Andrew, a senior advisor, the visit underscored the RCN’s commitment to collaborating with care homes to drive forward best practices and innovative solutions in adult social care.

During their visit, Sarah and Andrew engaged with our dedicated team to explore how Brunelcare effectively utilizes the RCN Dependency Tool to manage staffing levels. This tool has been instrumental in ensuring that we have the appropriate number of skilled staff on hand to meet the varying needs of our residents. The insights gained from our implementation of the RCN Dependency Tool are set to contribute significantly to the ongoing research and development of an updated version, aimed at further optimizing staffing strategies across the sector.

Little Heath Home Manager Krishna stands with Sarah, the Lead Nurse for Adult Social Care at RCN.

One of the standout aspects of the visit was our discussion on fall prevention. Little Heath Care Home has pioneered several innovative approaches to reduce the incidence of falls and associated injuries among our residents. By integrating advanced risk assessment techniques, personalized care plans, and environmental modifications, we have achieved remarkable results in enhancing resident safety. Sarah and Andrew were particularly impressed by these initiatives, noting them as exemplary practices worth emulating in other care settings.

Teresa Chinn said: “We are thrilled to have had the opportunity to share our experiences and learnings with the RCN. Our collaborative efforts with the RCN are pivotal in advancing the quality of care we provide and ensuring the wellbeing of our residents.”

Sarah expressed her appreciation for the dedication and ingenuity demonstrated by the Little Heath team: “The commitment to continuous improvement and resident-centered care at Little Heath is truly inspiring. The effective use of the RCN Dependency Tool and the proactive measures in fall prevention are exemplary. We look forward to integrating these insights into our ongoing research and development efforts.”

This visit marks a significant milestone in our partnership with the Royal College of Nursing, reinforcing our shared goal of elevating standards and practices within the social care sector. As we continue to innovate and refine our approaches, we remain committed to providing the highest quality of care to our residents and contributing to the broader landscape of adult social care.